Beitragbild Songtext Fleetwood Mac โ€” ยฉ Bild: By Warner Bros. Records - Billboard, 25 June 1977, p. 86, Public Domain, By Warner Bros. Records - Billboard, 25 June 1977, p. 86, Public Domain, Arabella Bayern Lyrics

"Donยดt Stop" von Fleetwood Mac - Songtext

"Don't Stop" von Fleetwood Mac ist ein lebhafter Pop-Rock-Song, der von der Freiheit und der Unabhรคngigkeit handelt. Der optimistische Text und die einprรคgsame Melodie machen diesen Song zu einem echten Ohrwurm, der auch heute noch oft im Radio zu hรถren ist.

Das sind die Original-Lyrics von "Don't Stop" von Fleetwood Mac

If you wake up and don't want to smile

If it takes just a little while

Open your eyes and look at the day

You'll see things in a different way


Don't stop thinking about tomorrow

Don't stop, it'll soon be here

It'll be better than before

Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone


Why not think about times to come?

And not about the things that you've done

If your life was bad to you

Just think what tomorrow will do


Don't stop thinking about tomorrow

Don't stop, it'll soon be here

It'll be better than before

Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone


All I want is to see you smile

If it takes just a little while

I know you don't believe that it's true

I never meant any harm to you


Don't stop thinking about tomorrow

Don't stop, it'll soon be here

It'll be better than before

Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone


Don't stop thinking about tomorrow

Don't stop, it'll soon be here

It'll be better than before

Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone



Don't you look back


Don't you look back


Don't you look back

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